What Happens at an Asbestos Inspection?
If you think you may have asbestos somewhere in your home, or if you are selling your home but do not know, you may have to have an asbestos inspection so you can find out.
What generally happens at an asbestos inspection, how long do they take and who usually does them?
What is an asbestos inspection? -- This is when an inspection service comes to your home and does a walk through. At that time, they will look in any area of your home that is a good candidate for having asbestos in it and, if they find anything that looks suspicious, they will take microscopic samples.
Areas where asbestos could be hidden include floor tiles, basements, attics, ceiling tiles, fireplaces, pipe insulation and heating and air conditioning ducts around your home.
These samples are then delivered to a laboratory specializing in asbestos testing where they will be tested.
Does asbestos affect the sale of a home? -- Yes, it does. In most states, you will have to disclose anything negative in your home including asbestos. If you do not and the buyers find out, you could then be taken to court and sued.
This is why finding out if your home does have asbestos in it via an asbestos inspection is necessary. If it does, you will then have a few options in how to deal with it.
Will any asbestos need to be removed? -- It does depend on the type of asbestos, but most companies recommend just having it removed anyway.
If you do, that will mean there are no dangers of the loose-fill asbestos taskforce becoming dangerous at a later date. It will also mean you can sell your home with complete peace of mind that the people buying it will not be in any danger.