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It's Yours

There it is the home that you have drove by a thousand times. You have fallen in love with it. You have been waiting for several months for the price to fall, so you could swoop in and take it for your own. Now, there it is with your name on it.


You knew it was an old house and it would need some tender loving care. You knew it would need hard work and a lot of energy to make it your dream home, but you also knew it had potential. You grab the key to unlock the door so you can walk into your canvas. Every room is exactly what you hoped for, now it is time to make your masterpiece.


Time for the Health Inspection

Your first thought was to have the home tested for asbestos. You knew it was an older home, so it was likely to have some hidden. You knew you needed to cut down the costs, so you decided to get the sample yourself.


Your start to do the research to find out the safest way to get a sample. You knew having a lab test the sample would cut out the middle man and the expense. You wear a P2 mask, so you don't breathe in the alleged asbestos dust. You make sure to wet down a small sample to muzzle the dust. Finally your are able to collect your sample and place it in a zip lock bag.


Now that you have the sample your are ready to send it to the lab you have chosen. Don't forget if you are taking the sample yourself, call and let the lab know your are coming. If your can't get the sample to the lab, call and make other arrangements. For more info click on loose-fill asbestos taskforce.

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