Asbestos Taskforce
Asbestos is a known carcinogen that can lead to significant health problems down the road when it is inhaled. While asbestos was once used as a common insulation in the home due to its efficiency in retaining both heat and cold air, it has now been replaced with other synthetic fibers that are not as damaging for the lungs. Since asbestos is behind the walls in many commercial building and homes, it has been challenging to have removed and the health consequences remain.
The Danger of Asbestos
Asbestos is most dangerous when it is being moved as a result of home construction or other repairs. Typically, the fibers of asbestos are behind drywall and are not easily inhaled, unless there are holes in your drywall. Because of this, asbestos often goes undetected and sits lying in wait for your next major home renovation project. While some people have a greater risk than others, asbestos particles can get into your lungs and do immediate damage.
When to Test and Having Asbestos Removed
When you move into a home that was constructed durin
g a time when asbestos was a common form of insulation and when you are having construction or home renovation, it may be a good idea to have your home inspected for asbestos. Having asbestos removed from your home is not a do it yourself project and you and your family should be outside of your home, staying in a hotel or with friends and family when it is being done. It is best to leave asbestos removal for the professionals who are trained at safely removing asbestos from your home without putting your family at risk. That way you can be sure to have a specialist will be fully and completely remove us from your home. Contact a professional if you believe that there may be asbestos in your home and be assured that it is removed completely.
See loose-fill asbestos taskforce for more information.