What is the Loose-Fill Asbestos Taskforce and What Do they Do?
If you live in Sydney, Australia, you have probably heard of a loose-fill asbestos taskforce. You may, however, not know what it is or how it pertains to you.
What is the loose-fill asbestos taskforce? -- This is a governmental organization that was set up to monitor loose-fill asbestos in homes, office buildings and public buildings all over the set. The taskforce has been tasked with finding out which buildings have the substance, and then making sure these buildings are demolished.
They also work with local building owners to make sure they get adequate compensation for their building, as well as that they take steps to rectify their asbestos problem as fast as they can.
What happens if your building has loose-fill asbestos? -- If you have your building tested, and it is discovered to have loose-fill asbestos, you will have an appointment made with the loose-fill asbestos taskforce in your area.
The taskforce will tell you all about all your options, the time frame you have in which to comply and then, after an assessment of your property, will tell you how much compensation you can expect for your building. You will then be given a certain period of time to comply before it is done by force.
What are your options? -- In almost all cases, a building that has loose-fill asbestos in it has only one option. To be demolished.
This is because loose-fill asbestos gets into the air very quickly, and is impossible to get rid of without demolition in a controlled environment -- usually by tenting.
The loose-fill asbestos taskforce will explain to you how and when this will be done, and what you need to do to prepare for it. Once you have handed over all keys and legal documents to the property, you will be adequately compensated for your loss.